Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course Terms and Conditions.
Weekend One:
- Friday 25th July 2025 – 3pm to 7pm
- Saturday 26th July 2025 – 9am to 5:30pm
- Sunday 27th July 2025 – 9am to 5:30pm
Weekend Two:
- Friday 1st August 2025 – 3pm to 7pm
- Saturday 2nd August 2025 – 9am to 5:30pm
- Sunday 3rd August 2025 – 9am to 5:30pm
Course Exchange:
- Early Bird exchange until Friday 11th April 2025, paid in full before this date: $1150*
- Full price exchange after Saturday 12th April 2025: $1350*
(Final payments by Friday 4th July 2025)
A $350* non-refundable deposit from the total exchange is required with your application to secure your place. Course places cannot be held without a deposit.
Details of the final payment balance will be emailed once you have booked your place. Payment plans are available upon request. All payments must be made before the course commencement, with no exceptions. If this balance is not paid on or before the due date, we reserve the right to treat your enrollment as cancelled, and no monies are refundable.
Cancellation by student:
Should you choose to cancel your enrollment by Monday, 30 June 2025, all course fees already paid thus far, less the non-refundable deposit ($350) and a $10 payment reversal fee, will be refunded.
No refunds apply to cancellations after Tuesday, 1st June 2025, and all payments owing are recoverable. Additional cancellation fees may apply. You can sell/transfer your place to another student, it is your responsibility to do so.
Cancellation by Kathryn Gregory course director:
The course director reserves the right to cancel or change any part of the course at any time.
If the course is cancelled, an alternative date will be offered. All fees and enrollment will be transferred to the new date. If no alternative date can be scheduled, all fees already paid, including the deposit, will be refunded in full.
Your enrollment may be cancelled at any time by the course director for mental and physical health reasons, non-attendance, disruption of others in the course, serious damage to the venue, or any disrespectful behaviour. No refunds will be given in these cases.
Medical reasons will be reviewed at the course director’s discretion in regard to refunds.
If you can no longer attend the course, you may apply for a transfer to a course at a later date, if available. Please, notify the course director by email at least two weeks prior to commencement. No transfers are granted after two weeks before commencement. Please refer to the student cancellation policies.
100% attendance is required to graduate from the course. Failure to attend all parts of the course will forfeit certification. If make-up classes are required (subject to approval), these are at the student’s extra expense and time outside of the course dates. Please consider this when enrolling.
Course Registration & Prerequisites
Entry requirements for the course are a keen interest to learn and be open to all experiences. To qualify to teach Yin Yoga, register with recognised industry bodies or obtain mandatory insurance cover, you must hold a minimum entry level of 200 hours in any style of Yoga Teacher Training certification or a Certificate III in Fitness or Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction.
Non-teaching students wishing to expand their knowledge are welcome to join the course. They will be rewarded a certificate of completion. If you choose to enroll on this course and do not hold the required qualifications to teach yoga, you do so know that you will not be qualified to teach.
Health Requirements
The course director and teaching staff are not qualified, medical professionals. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are in good health to participate physically and mentally in the course. You agree to self-manage any known injuries and look after your mental health.
If you are under the care of a medical professional for an existing condition, physical, mental or emotional, please obtain medical clearance to take part in this yoga intensive. If you are unable to complete the course due to medical reasons, once the course commences, refunds cannot be offered.
If you are pregnant, please alert all teaching staff prior to commencement and have clearance from your doctor to participate in physical activity. Pregnant students agree to take offered modifications and agree to sit out of any activity that is not suitable for their stage of pregnancy. Please, alert a staff member if you feel unwell and can no longer participate in any of the activities.
Disclaimer & Limitation of Liability
- Please, consult with your medical doctor or health care professional before beginning any exercise-based course. If at any time during the course, you feel discomfort or strain, gently come out of the posture. You may rest at any time during the class. It is important in yoga that you listen to your body, and respect its limits on any given day.
- You understand that yoga includes physical movements. As is the case with any physical activity, the risk of injury, even serious or disabling, is always present and cannot be entirely eliminated. You are voluntarily participating in the class and you agree to do so at your own risk. You hereby agree to irrevocably release and waive any claims that you have now or may have hereafter against Kathryn Gregory and all related facilities and premises for any personal injury or negligence. Additionally, Kathryn Gregory is not in any way responsible for any loss or damage of your personal property.
- You understand that Yoga is not a substitute for medical attention, examination, diagnosis or treatment. Yoga is not recommended and is not safe under certain medical conditions. By participating, you affirm that a licensed physician has verified your good health and physical condition to participate in such a fitness program if required. Please note, some exercises are not suitable for pregnancy. Modification may be recommended.
- Any guidance or intuited wisdom presented is for educational/entertainment purposes only. It is in no way presented to diagnose, treat or manage health conditions. Please, seek professional guidance and/or counselling for any mental or physical health issues.
Filming and Photography
During the course, photography, audio, and video recording may occur. You will not be captured during Savasana or in any situation that may be regarded as intrusive. You consent to photography, audio recording, video recording and its release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for promotional purposes, advertising, website content, social media, or any other purpose by Kathryn Gregory. Images, photos and/or videos may be used to promote similar events in the future.
If you do not wish to be captured in photography, audio, and video recording, please let the course leader know on Day 1 or prior to the course commencement.
By entering the course venue, you waive all rights you may have to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any use of any photo, video, or audio. You have been fully informed of your consent, waiver of liability, and release before entering the course.
No part of the course content/lectures/classes is to be audio or video recorded by students. Personal photos/video are accepted. Please, be respectful of other students when taking photos/video for personal use. Ask permission of any students you capture in photos/video before posting anywhere online.
Claims & Complaints
If you have a complaint about the course, please inform your teacher at the time in order that they can attempt to rectify the matter. If satisfaction is not reached through these means, then any further complaint should be put in writing to us within 7-days after the problem arises.
Code of Conduct
To guarantee each student the best experience possible Kathryn Gregory & teaching staff asks:
- Please sign in each morning to mark your attendance.
- Classes/lectures begin on time, so arrive before the start time of the class. Entry into the venue is not guaranteed for students who arrive late.
- Please plan to stay for the entire time of each workshop and class. Leaving the room should be strictly limited to urgent matters.
- No mobile phones are to be used during lectures and must be on flight mode/silent.
- Questions are welcomed in lectures at appropriate times, please do not interrupt the teacher and wait until the floor is open for questions. Please refrain from social conversations not related to the content being delivered.
- Treat others exactly the way you want to be treated. We will not tolerate students that are rude, insulting, or offensive to the staff and fellow students. We reserve the right to ask those behaving in this manner to leave the premises.
- Respect the venue and treat it as your own. Clean up after yourself, take your rubbish home and leave the venue as you found it, clean and tidy. Any damage to the venue and its facilities/equipment must be paid for by those responsible.
- Have a positive attitude, open mind, and have fun!